Notes : Daniel Ridings

August 17, 2008

Way out west

Filed under: PAW 2008,Photography — at 4:46 pm

I went to a music festival here in Göteborg last week-end. Neil Young played and I really wanted to see him.

In the meantime I meandered around with my wife and took a picture or two.

It wasn’t easy. “No professional cameras allowed” was one of the rules.

They went on to define professional cameras as:

1) Single lens reflex
2) Exchangeable lenses

I thought about a IIIf. I should be able to sneak one of them by, but I was afraid of criterium nr 2. Same thing with regard to a FED-2.

Decided to take a Rolleiflex. Hung it around my neck and just walked right past the goons (but they were very nice goons, I might add).

I got all kinds of comments and it was a real ice-breaker. A lot of people came up to me admiring the camera.

This girl was really fascinated by it. So much so she wanted to take a picture with it. So I told her not to move. Focused on her, took a shot, wound forward a frame and handed her the camera so she could take a picture of me.

step one

step two

Otherwise, I spent most of the time looking at others’ backs:

Common sight

You could actually hear the music better from way back:

way out back

1 Comment »

  1. I would not have handed over my camera to a stranger, unless I was sure I could run faster than he or she could. 🙂

    Comment by Dave Wyman — August 19, 2008 @ 8:26 am

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