Bike ride to Oslo
I am working in Oslo this week and took the opportunity to ride my bike. I guess we do things like that when we’re old and in the way.
The first leg was from home, Lindome, to Halden in Norway.
I took the route through Tjörn and Orust. I had considered staying on the mainland, but didn’t feel like finding my way through Uddevalla. I wanted to make it all the way to Halden in one stretch (~215 km).
In order to get to Halden you can choose a route with a lot of hills, up and down for about 20 km on route 22, or you can take a round-about with one big hill (more or less, Norway is never flat). I chose to get the hills out of the way and took the round-about (sign for Kornsjø). At the top, I was met with this nice view.
I stayed at the former military base, now a bed and breakfast. I didn’t feel like leaving my bike outside for the night, so I took it into the room with me.
From Halden I continued on the next day to Oslo.